In this blog, we will teach you Japanese language through Manga and Anime. The first Manga/Anime is “SPYxFAMILY”.

“SPYxFAMILY” is a Japanese Manga, a funny story about a fake family where the father is a spy, the mother is an assassin, and the daughter is a telepath. There is also Anime. The daughter Anya is so cute. We love her If you haven’t read it yet, please do so!

This work is popular all over the world. Manga is still ongoing.  The Anime has also being aired up to season 2 by now, April 2023. (FYI, in Japan the stage musical performance has started, and the movie is also in preparation!)

You can buy Japanese ver. of『SPYxFAMILY』with format Kindle at

If you live in Japan, you can watch Japanese ver. of『SPYxFAMILY』 with Amazon Prime Video at If you live abroad, try to find at Netflix, Hulu etc.

The lines in the Anime are almost the same as the lines in the Manga. You can check the sound with the Anime.

“SPYxFAMILY” is useful for studying Japanese for the following reasons.

  1. In the story, there are many conversations at home and at school. The conversations are fun and witty.
  2. In Japanese-language Manga, Anya’s lines are only in Hiragana and Katakana.
  3. In Japanese-language Manga, Kanji has ruby (furigana).
  4. Anya makes mistakes in Japanese, just like small children in Japan or foreign beginners of Japanese. You can study Anya’s mistakes and learn correct expressions.
  5. Yor always speaks in polite style of speech to everyone.

From now, we will explain 1 to 5 reasons above, and special features of Japanese language.

1. In the story, there are many conversations at home and at school. The conversations are fun and witty.

For those who are studying a foreign language for the first time, the expressions used in conversations with family members and friends are very useful. “SPYxFAMILY” has many scenes at “home” and “school”. The characters have their own unique way of speaking. We want to imitate the way our favorite characters talk, don’t we?

You can learn a foreign language faster imitating it.

But the expressions in Manga are often exaggerated. And Anya makes a lot of mistakes. It is better not to imitate everything. In this blog, we will teach you better and appropriate expressions.

In next post, we will continue the explanation and will also introduce you Japanese 3 kinds of characters.

⇒ See you at SPYxFAMILY in Japanese #2 Japanese Characters!

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