
ComiAni JP is a blog where you can learn Japanese through Japanese manga and anime.

  • Easy-to-understand explanation of the basic characteristics of Japanese language.
  • We feature lines from popular Japanese manga or anime and explain those grammar and vocabulary.
  • We also introduce useful Japanese expressions, phrases, and vocabulary related to the lines.

…and more!

Untill #5, I will post articles in “Easy Japanese”, Spanish, and English.

From #6, I will post in natural Japanese, Spanish, and English.

“Easy Japanese” is simple Japanese that takes into consideration everyday words so that foreigners can understand them. This level is used by people who can understand to some extent Japanese used in everyday situations and familiar topics.

“https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/content/930005563.pdf Quoted from the Shizuoka Prefectural Office “Easy Japanese” Guidebook”

-Immigration Service Agency of Japan- Japanese Ministry of Justice

Japanese language is one of the most unique languages in the world. Because of its uniqueness, many people would hesitate to start to learn Japanese language even if they have great interest in it.

Then, why don’t you use manga and anime as “textbook”? Those are highly regarded around the world as entertainment and have many fans. You will be able to enjoy the stories and pictures while increasing your knowledge of the Japanese language through your favorite lines. We are sure that it lowers the bar.

The articles are mainly aimed at those who would like to learn Japanese from now or for beginners to encourage as many people as possible to get interested in Japanese language. But we also hope that intermediate and advanced learners will enjoy the articles as well as those who simply want to know more about Japanese manga and anime. Therefore, we make the articles interesting as reading material and do not categorize each article as beginner, intermediate, or advanced.

This arrangement may be a slight deviation from the usual order and common sense of Japanese language study, but please do not get defensive, just continue reading and enjoying yourself!

The main writer of this blog, Kei, is a native Japanese speaker and a certified Japanese teacher. She loves manga and anime!

As a hobby, she learned English and Spanish mainly on her own. As a result, not only she has achieved the level of reading English and Spanish books in the original languages, but also has had the happy experience of travering abroad (about 10 countries) and of working in each language. From her learning experience, we can say that the important thing in learning a language is to be interested in it and to keep at it, and to accumulate small successes.

We hope this blog will help you to keep being motivated, continue learning and have lots of fun in Japanese.

ComiAni JP

Contact : mail@comi-ani-jp.com

Finally, we pay close attention to ensure that there are no mistakes in the content and information, but if you find any inadequacies in the content, it would be greatly appreciated if you could let us know.